
轉知:台灣建築師的環境危機公開聲明 Taiwanese Architects declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency


我們想邀請台灣業界的建築師一起參與以及倡議此議題“Taiwanese Architects declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency”。該議題為近期全球請願 “CONSTRUCTION DECLARES” 的一部分,其目標是將建築和建築環境的各個方面統一起來。這既是對我們地球環境危機的公開聲明,也是對應對氣候崩潰和生物多樣性崩潰採取積極行動的承諾。

We would like to invite all Taiwanese architects to join us in the: “Taiwanese Architects declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency” as part of the recent global petition “CONSTRUCTION DECLARES” which goal is to unite all strands of construction and the built environment. It is both a public declaration of our planet’s environmental crises and a commitment to take positive action in response to climate breakdown and biodiversity collapse.

轉知:台灣建築師的環境危機公開聲明 Taiwanese Architects declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency